3.1 User Managment

Trustle is an advanced identity management platform designed to integrate and manage user accounts across various systems, using identity providers like Azure and AWS. Here's an expanded view of Trustle Users and the concept of Authority, including the different user flows within the system:

Trustle Users

A Trustle User links to system accounts from identity providers, essential for managing active accounts and providing access to necessary resources. These users are set up either through direct integration with identity provider tools or by importing accounts via CSV, enhancing adaptability and management efficiency.


Authority in Trustle indicates the source from which a user account obtains its credentials and operational directives. This can be Trustle itself or an external identity provider that imported the account. Authority is crucial for:

  • Authentication and Validation: Ensuring users are authentic and authorized for access.
  • Data Synchronization: Keeping user information current across platforms.
  • Access Control Management: Adjusting user access based on their role and defined policies from the Authority source.

You can find a more detailed definition of Authority on the following Authority page.

Different Views and User Flows

Org Owner Flow

  • Oversees the addition of new systems.
  • Fine-tunes provision settings across the organization.
  • Manages access requests and monitors system connectivity.
  • Controls the system lifecycle, addressing any interruptions or modifications in system status.

System Owner Flow

  • Adds and manages new systems.
  • Adjusts provisioning settings based on operational needs.
  • Handles user access requests.
  • Manages system status changes, including disconnections and temporary disabling or re-enabling of systems.

Developer / General User

  • Observes the addition of new systems.
  • Notified of new access capabilities.
  • Requests access as needed for operational tasks.

These user-specific flows illustrate how Trustle facilitates a robust management environment tailored to various operational roles, ensuring efficient and secure access management. Each role—from system and organization owners to general users—has specific interactions with the platform, which are critical for maintaining a secure and compliant operational framework. This structured approach allows Trustle to not only secure sensitive information but also streamline processes, improving user experience and system responsiveness.