2.3 User States


Active Users in the 'Active' state are fully integrated and operational within the system. They have successfully connected to at least one tool and are actively participating in Trustle-managed activities. This status indicates that the user is currently engaging with the system's resources, completing tasks, or using accesses granted to them. Active users are considered compliant with all required operational and security protocols.


The 'Inactive' state applies to users who are registered in the system but are not currently activated or using any of the system’s resources. These users may have completed the initial setup but are not engaging with the system actively. This could be due to various reasons, such as not being assigned any tasks, waiting for access approvals, or temporarily stepping away from using the system.


Users categorized as 'Invalid' are those who have not completed all required fields or processes to validate their accounts fully. This state indicates that essential information is missing or has not been verified, rendering the user’s profile incomplete. Invalid users need to update or correct their information to meet system requirements for activation and usage.


A 'Disabled' user state means that the user has been deliberately deactivated and is no longer under the management of Trustle. This could result from disciplinary actions, termination of employment, or other administrative decisions. Disabled users cannot access any system tools or resources and are effectively removed from all operational workflows.


Users in the 'Archived' state have been moved to an archive folder and are no longer visible in the active system management areas. Archiving is typically used for users who are no longer needed in the current operational context but whose historical data and activity records need to be preserved. This state helps in decluttering the active user base while retaining records for compliance or auditing purposes.

These states help administrators manage the user lifecycle effectively, ensuring that each user’s interaction with the system is accurately tracked and appropriately managed based on their current status.